Our company was founded in 2008. Our goal is to satisfy our customers' emerging needs at the highest level of quality. Reliable work is done in many
areas of the industry with our experienced professionals. We have an extensive
supplier network, with high quality components .
Gábor Takács
M. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
M. Sc in Engineering and Management
Managing Director
High quality standards require that we exclude the possibility of failure in corporate processes. Lean Six Sigma quality management methodology is
implemented in our planning- and manufacturing processes, reducing the
corporate losses, and increasing the added value.
"Quality is the best advertistment."
Management of complex engineering processes with specific needs. We assist small companies and big corporates as well in internal projects, carrying out maintenance- and other engineering operations.
Time management is essential in our fast-paced business world. We are committed to our customers, so as to ensure complience of commonly planned deadlines of each project.